Fertility is a complex issue and there are numerous reasons why a decrease may be observed. It’s important that your vet is involved, to investigate any fertility issues and to ensure that the correct root causes are addressed.
One area that is very worthy of investigation with your vet is the trace element status of animals, as imbalances in the supply of trace elements can have a negative impact on reproductive health and productivity.
Some trace elements that play an important role in fertility include copper, selenium, cobalt and iodine. If your vet diagnoses a deficiency in these trace elements, the COSECURE and COSEICURE trace element boluses could be a great option for your animals.
The COSECURE Cattle bolus is the UK’s only POM-VPS multiple trace element bolus and was shown to improve fertility in dairy cattle in an independent trial1. COSECURE supplies ionic copper, cobalt and selenium for up to 6 months. For animals also requiring iodine, the COSEICURE bolus is a great option.
The COSECURE and COSEICURE boluses are made of a unique soluble glass, which delivers trace elements at a controlled rate which is compatible with an animal’s daily requirements. This controlled release is an important feature of the boluses, as peaks and troughs in the levels of trace elements supplemented, can have a negative impact on fertility.
Both boluses supply rumen-available ionic copper, which can be particularly helpful on farms where there are high levels of the antagonistic trace elements such as molybdenum, sulphur and iodine.
It’s important to remember that copper should never be supplemented without first consulting a vet to establish that there is a need, as excess copper can result in copper toxicity which may prove fatal.
If you believe that trace element deficiencies could be impacting the health, fertility or productivity of your herd, speak to your vet about the COSECURE and COSEICURE Cattle boluses.
Could the COSEICURE Cattle Bolus be right for your herd? Do you need help finding your nearest stockist?
Call Bimeda UK on 01248 725 400
See also: cosecureboluses.com
Use Medicines Responsibly. Noah.co.uk/responsible.
Cosecure Continuous Release Intraruminal Device is a category POM-VPS medicine. For full product information, refer to the SPC which is hosted on the VMD website.
CoseIcure Cattle Bolus is a complementary dietetic feedstuff.