When Science Meets Farming, Great Things Happen.
Farmers and vets who use our unique and revolutionary boluses know all about that.
The world’s only soluble-glass boluses, they use a unique delivery technology which supplies trace elements to cattle, sheep and lambs at a controlled and constant rate for several months.
Our COSECURE cattle boluses are the UK’s only licensed POM-VPS bolus and Ireland’s only licensed LM bolus. They supply the same levels of ionic copper, ionic cobalt and selenium to cattle every single day for up to six months.
Our range also includes the following boluses which are classified as dietetic feedstuffs:
COSECURE Sheep and Lamb boluses, which deliver the same levels of ionic copper, cobalt and selenium every day for up to eight months in sheep and six months in lambs.
COSEICURE boluses which deliver copper cobalt and selenium for up to 6 months in cattle, up to 8 months in sheep.